On approval of Rules for ensuring access control and on-site regime in the territory and in the buildings of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, local courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, of the Department for provision of courts’ activity under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (administrative office of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and its territorial bodies

Information about the act: 
Joint order of the head of the Department for provision of courts’ activity under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan (administrative office of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan) dated April 6, 2018, №6001-18-7-6/121 and of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 6, 2018, №265. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 23, 2018, №16799
Registration Group Number: 
State registry number: 
Act Acceptance Number: 
MJ registration number: 
Document Acceptance Date: 
Date of registration in the MJ of the RK: 
Date of publication: 
Source of publication: 
ҚР НҚА электрондық түрдегі эталондық бақылау банкі, 27.04.2018 ж.
Type of act
Reception authority
State Registration Authority
Region of activity
Source of publicationElectronic standard control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan